Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Food - Homemade Soup

Its not too late to want that warm bowl of soup, even though the weather has turned super warm in the March?!
Going for that health kick of mine that I have talked about is becoming enjoyable the more I cook.

My mother and father are part of a Soup Group. At first I thought that this was a strange group of people, getting together for soup? But then I started to see the plus side....leftovers! Yum!

So I thought I would try my own version of the homemade soup, sans group. (Unless you count Wendel - my kitchen helper....)

Wendel - Super Pug.  (Not his best Shot)

I wanted to make a vegetarian soup, as I am still eliminating animal products (slowly) from my diet. So I opted for a  Simple Squash Apple Soup.

(I cut up the squash before getting a picture....Sorry)
Now most recipes call for a Granny Smith Apple, well I used what I had, two small royal gala apples that were on the turn.
Here is my recipe for the soup.

Simple Squash Apple Soup

Prep Time: 15 Minutes (depending on your skills to peel and chop...I am apparently slow)
Cook Time: 35 Minutes


1 medium Yellow Onion, chopped
1 - 3 ribs of Celery, chopped
1-2 Carrots, peeled & chopped
2 Tablespoons Butter
1 Butternut Squash, peeled, seeds & hair removed, and chopped into small cubes
1-2 Apples (suggested Granny Smith, but I used Royal Gala)
*note the ratio is 3:1 for squash to apple
3 Cups of vegetable broth
1 Cup water
*Spices to taste: Cinnamon, nutmeg, Cayenne, salt, pepper
(I only added a pinch of cinnamon, the broth carries enough salt so no need to add more)

Steps to Soup:
In a 3 inch deep x 9-10 inch circumference frying pan, (anything that can hold all the ingredients and liquid without spilling over at a boil) add the butter & onion, carrot, and celery. Saute on low-med heat, without browning for 5 minutes.
This is a good time to start peeling your squash and apples and chop them up. I used a peeler as I found it much easier/safer than a knife for my inexperience with peeling "difficult" fruits and vegetables.
Next, add the chopped up Squash, apple, broth and water to the pan with the other ingredients.
Bring to a boil, then turn down to simmer for 30 minutes.

Add spices, or salt if using and put into blender and Puree.  This machine came with our house purchase... an oldie but a goodie. Works great!

Let cool in containers, taste test......

Settle down for a whole bowl....


~~  Finding Feathers ~~

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